About Us

Roger MugsRoger Mugs – B.S. Endocrinology from Colgate University in Hamilton, NY. M.A. South East Asian Anthropology University of Northern South East Texas at Houston, and a Ph.D. in Edible Food Groups from Florida University Washington D.C. campus. While in New York he helped start the “Bi-Ped’s for Surfers” club which included all races.

Recently he was appointed Poet Laureate of the state of Hawaii where he has lived for the past seven years with his two wives, eight children and four and half Irish Schnauzers. He has been published in three languages on eight continents and written at least two well known jingles for a popular peanut butter brand.

Roger began writing after a life altering experience with a shark and television set where fellow writer rcribay may or may not have saved his life. He is considered an expert in sour candy. To reach Roger write to rogermugs at sieveandsand.com.

rcribayRC Ribay – By day, he is your standard misanthrope, living an ascetic life in a dilapidated shack in the foothills of North Carolina. By night, he uses a candle. When he is not ranting interminably to himself about the depraved state of humanity, he spends his free time capturing and training squirrels to perform his favorite off-Broadway plays (The troupe is scheduled to stage “Waiting for Godot,” beginning Fall 2021at the Apollo–which is to be directed by Joshua Grace). RC is self-educated, but holds an Honorary Doctorate in Cereal Box Art from the University of Phoenix. To reach RC Ribay write to rcribay at sieveandsand.com.

 JuliocJulio Chapluzki – Born during the famous Siberian snow storm of ’81. At the hour of his birth, a shaman on a completely different continent prophesied that the time had come for the advent of the prophesied poet, who would bring peace and beauty through the power of his poesy. Soon, Julio left his father’s native Russia with the purpose of visiting his mother’s homeland, where he studied under the famous Chilean poet, Julio de Montreal, after whom he was named. Julio received inspiration from his frequent hikes through the Andes, an inspiration that has continued only within his memory until this day, due to his exile from Chile in 1988.

In recognition of his poetic achievement, Julio holds an honorary degree from the DeVry Institute, where he also teaches poetic theory. In his spare time, Julio enjoys singing opera to the birds in his backyard, hating country music, and dressing like Theodore Roosevelt. He currently lives in Austria, with his trained troop of killer kangaroos. To reach Julio Chapluzki write to julio at sieveandsand.com

freakyFreakynewchild – Freakynewchild is the visionary vagabond poet and acclaimed critic behind several literary movements: oblivionism, madsadnism, and pre and post crapulousism.

Best known and appreciated in the underground world, city gutters, and isolated shacks, Freakynewchild ,simply know as “The Child”, is said to have been born during a summer solstice under the foothills of the Himalayas. To this day, the exact identity or even the gender of the Child remains unknown, and when asked, the child replied through the telegraph saying “personal pronoun is to some a sickness where being human is not enough. But if you cannot conquer this sickness, refer to me as “it” “. The eloquence, the passion for humanity and the genial eccentricity of its work have revitalized modern poetry and brought art to a new wild and glorious age. Due to the fierce desire for privacy, and the mystery surrounding it, many a tale has seen the day, notably the tale that chupacabra is one its favorite pet, or/and that it entertains a licentious relationship with both Dracula and Snow White. Although The Child has neither acknowledged nor refuted any of the tales, it is widely accepted that it is the unseen hand behind the genius invention of chocopies, and the notorious phrase “Don’t knock down the dead, the doll and the dull “. To reach freakynewchild write to freaky at sieveandsand.com

D. X. HugoDavid X. Hugo – The late David X. Hugo was an award winning poet/philosopher who lived in Richmond, Pennsylvania during the 19th century. Newer work of his has been filtered onto the internet through various means, in a mostly unexplained fashion. Some say that his unkempt work ethic has kept his spirit on this earth possessing writers across the world to publish works under his name, through their bodies. Others say that David X. Hugo was an alien whose race can live for thousands of years, and in order to maintain his secrecy he faked his own death at 83, yet can’t contain his need for expression so continualy posts poetry from wherever he is hiding. Not only is little known about Hugo’s process of publishing poetry centuries after his own dimise, even less is known about the his factual life during the time in which he lived it. Hugo was an eccentric recluse who was rarely seen outside of his gigantic estate just outside of Richmond, and rarely contacted anyone outside of his publisher. Since most of his life is based upon speculation, composing a proper biography is difficult, nay, impossible. Though he may not live on this world, this universe, or this time, he still lives through his words, and nothing you do can ever take that away from him.

SaxquatchJay W. Ess–  This is a creature of sorts that can most often be found in America, floating around the Southeast parts of the Midwest. Subtle yet motivated, he works constantly to bring projects to fruition that he never really starts in the first place. Contrary to his upbringing and much to his mother’s dismay, Jay has a penchant for using the wrong knives to cut the wrong things just because they ‘look cooler than the regular ones’ . Lucky numbers 6, 11, 14, 24, 26, 84 and 99.

BeigHartmanBeigHartman – After a brief stint with a traveling troupe of gypsies known as “The Lollygaggers” across many regions of Russia and Greenland, BeigHartman thought it best to obtain a formal education. His studies at Tulane lasted three months before tree nymphs obligated him to pursue other aspirations in the Wyoming wilderness. Armed with a dreidel and taxidermy of his pet hamster, BeigHartman taught himself to read and write. Through careful study of geysers, he conceived what is commonly known as “The Harlem Shake” and “Crip Walk.” Shortly thereafter, BeigHartman exiled himself to Columbia, but due to extended litigations with international customs, left upon discovering that Columbia coffee has multifaceted usages. Some scholars as well as many prestigious quantum physicists have posited that BeigHartman lives to write, but this is blatantly false. In fact, the only reason he writes is because he procrastinates far too much to do anything else.

Tyne Daile – With one hand over the key board, one guarding the wine and one behind her back, Tyne makes a habit out of bending the rules. Don’t expect to find her crouched over discount stilettos, or rifling through Austen reprints with every Darcy scene dog-eared. She’s not your typical lady. Raised by a tall, mysterious man, who referred to himself only as ‘The Real Rochester,’ Tyne learnt the tricks of her poetic trade by candle light, triple distilled scotch, and the incessant mutterings of the brothel owner’s sister. Her areas of expertise include post-sundaymorningalism and syntax badgerism. She drinks coffee slowly, is inspired by terrible public transport and lives the life of a sweater wearing, bottom lip chewing post-graduate. If you’d like her to write an ekphrastic poem about your biceps (or anything else for that matter), the pleasure will be all hers.

LadyDarnell – Born and raised among commoners, Lady Darnell is in fact of noble descent, cast away to the New World by generations before her – a bastardized, indirect descendant of the infamous womanizer King Henry VIII.

Shakespeare himself illustrated one dear relative, Sir Henry “Hotspur” Percy, the impulsive, rebellious English nobleman and inspiring soldier in his play Henry VIII. Henry IV had Hotspur’s body impaled on a spike, drawn-and-quartered to be toured across England, and finally displayed his head on a pike. The family seldom discusses this terrible memory.

True, glorious, English Nobility.

52 thoughts on “About Us

  1. i would just like to say (as this is now our most popular page) that ya’ll are brilliant and it is a pleasure to write with such a group of people who come from such a diverse background.

  2. great poems roger mugs. i like your lines…. annieepoetry is meaningless. its just the name I use on my old blog and now when I make a comment it is a manifestation of me.

    some of the other poets were talking about editors… so I say become your own for each other and yourself. thats all -some little thought poop.


  3. oh. now i c.

    well thanks for the thought poop. we can always use a little more excrement around here (my fellow authors are sadly lacking.)

    editor shmeditor. the problem is. editing your work takes work. see the dilemma? if ever we were published (by someone other than ourselves) we might look into that.

  4. hmm . . . as most of this sounds a little shady, though definitely amusing, i must ask anyway. rogermugs, if you actually did attend colgate, how was it? (since i am considering applying there)

  5. you know, for some time now I’ve been trying to find exactly what it is that brought us together…
    i think you hit the nail on the head…

  6. in reference to the sleepytypewriter’s question, Colgate is a lovely university if you fall into one of two categories- naive and erstwhile student looking for the next best thing to an Ivy League education, or collar popping prepster slacker with overly developed intelligence allowing for overindulgence in drunken debauchery and the drug use necessary to survive the frosty winters and equally stale toothpaste references. i attended colgate and enjoyed myself immensely but you certainly will find alot of absurdly small minded folk there.

  7. Well now you’re just scaring the hell out of me. I could go to any Ivy league I wanted to, but I was looking for something small, preferably up around the northeast. Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, that sort of thing. If you’ve got advice, spill please.

  8. you know… in creating this page, i must admit I did not expect it to take the turn of being useful for college enrollment decisions.

    but that was just me. perhaps others had such expectations.

  9. I definitely did because I used the sieve book 2 email and replied to it. and then I sent two other emails, one of which is my vote for the sieve book 2

  10. I wish that I’d known that we had a whole conversational commentary going on here. Oh the unplumbed depths of the sieve and the sand! How infinite is our abysmal site!

  11. abysmal in the never ending abyss sort of way, in the onion-like layered sort of way. I agree with you about the brilliant part also, as I love our little site (yes I said it, the “L” word!).

  12. When does saxquatch get one?

    Conversely, we’ve been writing alot of good poetry lately fellas (just kidding on the conversely part that was like a literary joke lol). No but seriously good poetry all around *claps*.

  13. Now it looks like I’m official and everything.

    That frightens the hell out of me.

    But alas, I think I’ll survive.

    And I’d also like to third Mr Billiams’ statement. Or rather Mr. Hugo’s.

    I always get my Daves mixed up.

  14. Hey Dr.Hugo,

    I finally managed to check out your poetry site, and I gotta say that I dig it. If you think your compatriots would like another poet to rant and ramble in their space, I’d be more than happy to send you a selection of my verse. Either way, I’ve got this bookmarked, and I’m sure I’ll see you at Orgo-1 sometime; you know, if they don’t get evicted. 😉


    1. well you’re always able to submit to rogermugs at gmail dot com. i’ll let the guys know if we like what you write you’re in… (assuming they vote there’s room… we’re always open for more females… not sure if you count)

      1. It’s a dude.

        If I see him, I’ll tell him to shoot some stuff your way.

        We can at least keep it until we need some more testosterone.

      1. Incidentally, I just realized there’s an error in mine. “His studies at Tulane last(ED) three months…” could I get a little korrection?

  15. i absolutely adore your “Frustration Poem”. In my opinion, the line “holding standards without taking measurements” was by far the best line I have read on this site so far. I understand it and I love it.

    1. Well thank you so very much. There are some pretty killer lines by some of these other sassy bootses, though.

      Thanks for reading. You have in no small way warmed up my otherwise chilly evening.

  16. I’ve never seen a blog like this. How do you all know each other? Why are you all posting here? It looks like you’re having fun.

    I loved reading through the many poems; though you all do have similarities in your writing and voices. I’m suspecting that perhaps you’re all the same person having fun with different alter egos. Also sounds like fun, I mean, if that’s your thing. 😉

    Really enjoyed reading the blog. Keep it up!


    1. Tink,
      RC and I started this… well… a little over 4 years ago. We’re old college buddies. Then we pieced together friends over the years, as well as a few folks who made ridiculously well written comments.
      There are many we know very well, and some we’ve never met in person.
      It’s pretty much the best thing ever.

    2. One person writing in (12-14?) alter egos sounds like pretty much the second coolest thing ever. If that was the case, we(I) would probably be freakin’ famous right now.

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